Vision Without Glasses - How To Naturally Sharpen Your Vision and Throw Away Your Glasses or Contacts WITHOUT SURGERY!

Monday, December 30, 2013

How To Get Skin Fairer Quickly

How To Get Skin Fairer Quickly:

                                                     Its a common wish for anyone to look fairer but most of us look dark when we exposed to sun. we should take care of our skin in order to look fairer,some of the home made remedies to look fairer quickly.

way to get fair skin quickly

Tips to get Fair skin quickly:

1)You can Prepare a face pack at home  first of all take  1 spoon of milk with 1 teaspoon of honey. Make into a fine and apply it on the face with your finger tips gently. After 15 mins clean your face.

2)One of the effective home made remedy to have fair skin quickly is gram flour mixed with turmeric powder this natural product will helps a lot in maintaining your skin color.Use this when you go for bath.

3)Take 3 teaspoons of gram flour and mix it with few drops of milk and apply it on the face and allow it to dry completely and wash your face.

4)Fruits can help a lot in getting your  skin tone fairer and also gives us naturally glowing skin. Prepare a fruit pack by combining the pulp of an avocado, papaya and cucumber. now add two teaspoons of cream to it  mix it and apply it to the face.

Note: Any one who wants to have a beautiful skin you take enough water and sufficient night sleep in order to have a healthy,healthy skin results in good look.

you can also look at   home remedies for clear skin.

Lemon is the best natural product that is useful to leave the skin clean and fairer so prepare a face mask with lemon

5)Take equal amount of lemon juice and honey, mix it well and apply it on face and wash your face when it is fully dried.

some of the other face packs are

i)Beauty masks with banana
ii)To remove dark spots
iii)Anti ageing face masks
iv)winter care face masks

Monday, December 9, 2013

Winter Skin care Tips For Dry skin

Winter Skin care Tips For Dry skin

Many people face lot of skin problems during winter,the sudden decrease in temperature results in effects of skin,the main reason for our skin become dry is the outside air becomes dry some simple home made tips would make you comfortable in this winter to have a nice and smooth skin. Skin will get dry and breaks usually after bath and early hours of the morning so better avoid harsh soaps because these can  strip away your skin's protective oils thus your skin breaks giving a lifeless skin look as in winter we tend to neglect in take of water this  is not a good practice to do because our skin more moisture in this season only so we should drink more water to provide moisture to our body.

video for winter skin care

Let Us some simple tips to maintain good skin in winter season:

1)Don't Take bath with totally hot water because it will draw out the essential oils from your skin rather prefer warm water.

2)Protect your skin from the exposure to the cold breeze.

3)Keep the cold creams and other products which keeps our skin moisturized let us focus on some helpful food that nourish skin during winter,the following are the food items in winter we can also call it as winter diet.

i)carrots are one of the best vegetable that you can opt for in this season  as it contains carotenoids beta carotene and lycopene  which are helpful in protecting from UV damage and also helpful in removing pigmentation marks if any present on our body.

ii)Fish is one of the excellent nutrient food which is very good for skin,omega-3-rich  content fish are the best option to choose.

iii)Spinach: There are lot of valuable vitamins in spinach and very best food in winter this spinach  avoid having dry and irritated skin. 

iv)Better take rich in vitamin c content in your daily meals,grapes are very helpful in having youthful skin.

v)Using Masques are helpful in winter it has features effects of a calming and hydrating weekly treatment may deliver lasting results

Let Us some daily skin care routine to follow to have good and healthy skin

Another possibility of maintaining good skin make a daily skin routine which delivers you best sort of skin every time cleanliness is next to godliness and this applies as primary thing when coming to skin care.Skin care routine is very simple provided if u have minimum wish

Exfoliate this helps in removing   dead skin cells if they any exist on our skin when your too much tired with some work and during long journey's you may exposed to this condition your skin becomes lifeless due to the dead skin cells its better to use Exfoliates at that point of time , which may helping in revealing new skin

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How to get rid of acne scars

How to get rid of acne scars

Acne scar which is also called as Acne vulgaris is a common  skin infection or disease commonly
appears as red skin with dark spots blackheads and white heads are also comes under this category
only and another well known possibility is through pimples,which usually results on the face and that too on forehead and upper part of the chest area,we can get rid of this acne scars by using some simple home remedies which  are specially aimed at acne scars,but treat this situation something like caring your skin rather than giving a treatment to that always keep your skin clean better carry a face wash solution  all the time,drink enough of water in a day.Keep in min that acne scars will take little time so be patient while your trying to getting rid of it.There are several home made remedies and tips available for to remove acne scars

1)Never put your finger on the pimples formed on your face as this may lead to a scar
clean it to vanish naturally.

2)Rubbing ice on the scars visible area can lighten them you can do this when quite possible to you.

3)Diet is the most important thing in skin care to have a healthy skin you should well consider of your diet have a glass of vegetable juice what ever you may like or prefer but make a habit of adding little lime juice to that,this helps in maintaining  a good healthy skin.

   4)cucumber is the natural gift which has the potential to solve many skin problems
  as it is used in many cosmetics we can use this at home to solve scars problem Cucumber not only soothes the skin inflammation, but also speeds up the healing process. how to use cucumber for this take a cucumber cut into slices apply them on to your skin for around 20 to 30 minutes.

5)Get rid of acne scar by Lemon and Glycerin Face pack Take one full lemon and extract the juice from it and add two parts glycerin and mix it well apply this on the effected area and clean it when it is completely dry.

6)Honey is  one of the best treatments in the case of fading scars not only for acne scars but also for acne. It helps in reducing the irritation which is caused by the scars when effected and also makes your skin soft so we can say honey is the best home made solution for acne scars.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Coconut Oil for Dandruff

Coconut Oil for Dandruff

Coconut oil has been known to help increase the strength of your hair.  It also aids with hair growth.  One of the variables for healthy hair growth is a healthy scalp.  If your scalp is dry and you are suffering from dandruff, this coconut oil home remedy treatment may be the right one for you!

As mentioned in previous posts, coconut oil not only promotes a healthy scalp by aiding in the removal of dandruff, but it also moisturizes dry  hair, adds shine, and penetrates your hair to help reduce the instance of breakage and split ends.  This in turn helps reduce hair loss.

Did you know that coconut oil is used in the removal of fungus?  Some dandruff can be caused by a certain type of fungus, so if you have tried everything in the store, and nothing has worked to remove your dandruff problem, give this a try! 

Read on to find out how to create this simple DIY recipe

What You Need:

Coconut Oil - 2-3 tablespoons


Warm the coconut oil in a small cup or bowl in about 10 second increments in the microwave if you don't want to use the double boiler method.

Make sure the oil is not too hot for you to handle, or too hot for your scalp.

Separate your hair out into sections to make it easy for you to apply.  Dip your fingertips into the oil and massage into your scalp gently.  Massaging your scalp helps promote blood circulation which is important for your scalp and hair!

Do this until your entire scalp is coated.  You can put the rest on your hair; Do this in moderation as it is hard to wash out.

Wash/condition/dry your hair as usual.  It may take a few treatments before dandruff is gone, but chances are, you'll notice results sooner than later.

Other Home Remedies You May Like:

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Beauty Masks With Banana

Beauty Masks With Banana:

We treat Banana as a eatable only but it is quite useful as a beauty remedy for you,you can have a beauty parlour at your home only with using bananas in different ways.We can make lot of useful beauty masks with banana.It mainly acts as  a moisturising agent to the skin,it helps in hiding the early ageing effect for the skin as banana contain E-vitamin it posses this quality of anti-ageing effect.

1)First Beauty Mask With Banana:

Take a ripen banana,make a fine paste of it apply it over the face as a mask leave it for 15 minutes and clean with warm water that's it this mask brings wonderful moisturising to the skin.

2)Second Mask With Banana:

Many of us face problem with oily skin when we go outside,so in order  to look fresh,take a ripen banana and smash it add 4 drops of lemon juice to the paste and apply as a mask this will bring glow and freshness to the face.

3)Removing Dead cells with Banana Mask:

As banana contains E-vitamin we can use as a anti-ageing agent,take some oat meal powder,mix it with coconut milk add banana make it into a fine paste apply to the face,this mask is helpful in  removing any dead cells present on the skin thus giving natural freshness to the face.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Home Remedies To Remove Blackheads

Home Remedies To Remove Blackheads:

Its  a serious issue if you are facing blackheads problem,but don't worry too much about blackheads there are some simple home remedies to remove blackheads.These are the most common skin problems,which are common forms of acne which troubles us a lot if we are facing that problem it is always better to prevent this problem rather to check for the solution.These are the dark spots formed on the forehead,nose,cheeks and chin area due the excess secretion of the oil glands the amount of excess of oil realesed results in thickening  of the skin around that area black heads can be  carefully treated by the home remedies.

1) Take one spoon of cinnamon powder with one tea spoon of lemon juice mix both of them to make a fine paste, apply this on affected are leave it for 15-20 mins and wash with normal water.

2) Take one spoon of lemon juice and one spoon of ground nut oil  mix them well and apply.

3) Take fresh coriander  leaves grind it and extract juice from it add turmeric powder to the juice apply this paste on the black heads

4)one of the best and easy available home remedy for this is toothpaste is an effective solution for  blackheads. you can also use this as white head remover .Apply toothpaste on the affected area and rub in circular motion and leave for to dry for some time . Repeat this process regularly to get rid of this.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Home Remedies For Soft Skin

Home Remedies For Soft Skin


 Now a days everyone wants to look beautiful,it is quite achievable to get soft skin by following some simple home remedies for soft skin.Below are some of the tips available for you to get your skin flaw less
the main thing you should do to get this trick done is drink sufficient water everyday.supple skin is not that easy to get so you some serious concentration and should take care of your skin daily,see you maintain cleanliness,let us one home trick to get smooth skin

First process and home remedy for spongy skin 
Note:  This procedure is not the one shown in the above video,this is a separate one

i) First of all take some fresh milk into a bowl keep it like that for some time and now take some cotton and dip into the milk.
ii).With this milk dipped cotton ball rub in the circular motion on the face thoroughly  allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes.
iii)Clean with the cold water water,use always fresh cloth.

2)Diet is another important thing to check with to have a spongy skin,it is better to eat leafy vegetables regularly because vitamins and iron content is rich in leafy vegetable so these are very much helpful in getting you soft skin.

skin tone tells about ourselves let us see one more home remedy for getting smooth skin:

i) we will take bath daily but just do this simple home remedy to make your skin smoother than ever apply and massage you body with some oil before 30 minutes you got to bath better to you  olive or almonds oil for this purpose massage gives nourishment so smoothness comes naturally after bath it maintains or balances the oil content needed for the skin.Warm water is always good to opt for bathing  Cool water also helps the body to maintain  moisture,therefore it is better to avoid very hot water.

Almond for pulpy skin :

 Almond oil  has a variety of benefits its a nature gift provided to us, it is helpful as a  potent facial cleanser. but be careful when using bitter almonds because it may contain  cyanide which is a anti-element for skin so better to avoid bitter almonds.As many people know almonds are a rich in  vitamin E, which makes them best solution  for  hair care and skin care. The resulting oil is smooth and silky, with a faint, pleasing which is our basic requirement . Whether you use it as massage oil, a natural moisturizer, or a way to keep your skin glow.

Get rid of dry skin to get soft skin:

If your skin is getting dry all the time,we should the discover the actual reasons behind if your problems gets increases day by day you should avoid using high content chemical soaps or cosmetics.Those will observe the oil on the outer skin and makes your skin appear dry,washing your face frequently also makes your skin dry,so better to use liquid soaps,check whether chlorine is more in the water you are using,use moisturizer once in  a day,take fruit salads,barley water and leafy vegetables in your diet this helps in maintaining good skin,sun also  makes the skin dry,use sunscreen lotion to protect your skin.

Some Best home remedies for pulpy soft skin

  • you can use  as cleanser with apple outer skin ,this works wonders for skin.  
  • Take a cup and mix cucumber pulp and  curd leave it for 15 minutes and  apply on your skin, and see your skin becomes smooth and spongy.
  •  Take one  banana grind it mix it with milk  and apply all over your face this home pack is also helpful for getting smooth and soft skin.
  • Gram dal flour is a excellent home made solution for good skin,mix it with few drops of raw milk.
  • Honey mixed with lemon juice is a best face pack for spongy skin 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

clear skin home remedies- home remedies for glowing skin

clear skin home remedies

Are you ready to have a clear skin?it's obvious to wish to have a clear skin but we should follow some simple tips and tricks to do that,then check the following clear skin home remedies.we can make a self mask in our home with simple home available ingredients to have a clear skin 

1st procedure for clear skin home remedies.
i)Take some almonds and soak it in water for 10 hours or soak them in the night when you goto sleep so that you can make a mask out of it in the morning,if possible peel the skin of the almonds and grind them into a fine paste,add little milk to the almond paste

2)Now our home mask for clear skin is ready,apply it to the face or where ever the blemishes present on your body and its better to do before going to bed because this pack works if remains long time on our face so keep it for at least 4 hours and wash with the cold water.Applying this mask frequently results in clear skin.

ii)Not only intake of carrot in our diet helps but we can apply carrot juice(thick)to the skin which helps in reducing blemishes.

iii)one easily available home mask to get clear skin is curd and cucumber juice both are inexpensive and easy to use items mix both of these two ingredients and apply it on skin.

iv)Diet plays a key role in getting a glowing and clear mark less skin so its your duty to take care of the diet what you practice daily see that in take oil foods are less and food items like orange,water-melon and lemon juice are good for skin as many of you know all the above foods are rich in c-vitamin which helps for skin in many ways.

v)Taking sufficient water for body in a day helps in beautiful and lovely skin because our skin needs moisture so we should drink enough water in a day.

vi)Using sugar as a cleansing agent is the best practice we can do to have a clear skin because sugar contains anti-bacterial elements which can kill bacteria on the skin so using this for cleansing results a difference.take some lemon juice and add sugar to that dip a cotton ball and rub it on your face and wash with
cold water.

vi)Papaya also helps a lot in get glowing and clear skin to you this is one of the best clear skin home remedies easily we can apply.just choose one ripen papaya and apply that fruit paste on your face and clean after 15-20 minutes with cold water.

vii)Another cooking ingredient or home made mask available for us is  gram flour.Take 1 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of gram flour into a bowl mix them well to make a fine paste.Apply it gently  rub it on your face in the circular motion for 5 minutes then wash your face this natural remedy is best to get wonderful glowing skin

viii)Tomato is another cooking food item which we also use as a beauty making product at home the  pulp of tomato  is a brilliant element that helps your skin. use it on the  body before you go for bath  and see some fruitful  glowing skin . Potato juice also develops our skin. potato is the  natural product which acts as a agent that helps in reducing  blemishes and scars.

ix)Clear skin is result of neat skin,one point to remember when thinking of clear and flawless skin is be yourself clean first always wipe your face with washed cloth only.change the towel regularly its important to clean the skin/face before and after going to outside,in order to protect from sun we should apply sunscreen lotion
when we go outside.

Monday, September 2, 2013

what to do to get good skin

what can i do to have good skin

skin is the outer part of the body tells about you,you should maintain a healthy skin in order  to look beautiful cuteness comes through the appearance of good skin.There are several home remedies
for skin we will discuss some  simply and easy made remedies for skin now.As skin is the part mostly 
exposed to various conditions around us we should carefully protect it and nourish it for good healthier skin. the most question most of us have is what to do to have nice skin,because the beauty lies in skin and the way it looks brings difference. OK lets have a serious question to ourselves what to do to have good skin,here home remedies for glowing skin is bringing you the answer for the above one.

i)Cleaning our face is the common thing we do daily but now onwards try washing your face with little warm water,for those who have dry skin steam is the best solution for them first of all boil the water and expose a clean cloth to  the steam and  now keep the cloth on your face for the steam to get on your skin/face.As the water is boiled(little  warm helps remove the overall dirt on your skin this is what you can do to have nice skin).

ii)Another thing you can do to have a good skin is apply lemon juice on your skin but as lemon is a citric acid just  dilute with water(mix with few drops of water) and apply to your face or skin what ever the part you required and clean with normal water after 5 minutes.

iii)Taking good and proper diet is one of the most essential thing to have a good skin,eat
recommended five portions of fruits and vegetables a day.

iv)The universal treatment to posses an excellent skin type is drinking sufficient of water because our skin needs some amount of water to have its activities done if your intake of water is less or insufficient in a day your skin will face problems thus results in various skin problems those who have dry skin take water regularly,usually you should take 5 cups/glasses of water.

v)what should i do to have good skin,yes you can apply sun screen apply sunscreen when you are going outside,this protects damage from sun.

vi)See that you take more c-vitamin foods in your diet because in c-vitamin  foods(like lemon,strawberries etc) a protien called collagen presents which keeps skin firm.

vii)Green tea is another nature's gift to have a nice skin as it contains EGCG which  helps prevent skin cancer and also helps in skin acne problems now  i think many of us got the answer for what should i do to have good skin? 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Home made remedy tip images

1)Anti-ageing tips image
2)Remove dark Spots image
3)Face packs for different seasons
4)face glowing tips image

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Home remedies for clear and glowing skin

Home remedies for clear and glowing skin:

Its simple and easy if you determine  to do something for yourselves you may be searching for
home remedies for clear and glowing skin.Would you thin k that getting a glowing skin is that easy the
answer for this question is yes provided some careful attention over your skin health a healthy skin results in beautiful face in order to achieve that we should follow some simple home made remedies and taking a necessary diet in appropriate time,why to say about healthy skin means your skin determines the look.Its our responsibility to take care of the skin. some of us face the problem of oily skin no need to worry for that simply follow the   home remedies for clear and glowing skin for oily skin, the excess oil secretion is due to our skin type some glands in our body secrets oils as a regular metabolism activities in some people the ratio of secretion may be high so we can take care of the excess oil removal from our face to have a glowing and clear skin.

1)one of the home made remedy to get glowing skin is....
Carrot for to get glowing skin
Carrot is the vegetable available for us which can remove or help in removing skin blemishes and makes our skin clear and supple. But everyday eating a carrot may become hard for us so take it in the form of   juice easy to take and easy to follow tip for healthy and shiny skin you can also make carrot mask by smashing carrot into a fine paste and mix some money with it and add little warm water and apply it on the face wash after 20 minutes to have a  glowing skin.

2)I have many people asking about the home remedies for clear fair and glowing skin,why because we may not(all)spend for going to beauty clinics or parlous all the time so people generally ask for home made tips and remedies  we can prepare a face pack to achieve that first of all take turmeric powder, sandalwood paste or powder however it is available to you and mix both of them with milk as the mixing agent or you can use rose water  after making it into a fine paste apply it on the face,allow it to fully dry and clean after that to check your skin glow.

3)As many of us know tomato contains a high content  of antioxidants which helps in keeping good skin health face pack with tomato to get glowing and clear skin  take a fresh tomato and peel off the top from it to use it as a scrub
i)Now take some sugar in a bowl and dip the peel(cut) of the tomato and gently scrub it on your face
ii)Doing this step gets your skin cleaned from dirt and tomato goodness will be added to your face,and allow your face to dry for 15 minutes and wash your face with cold water,apply a moisturizer after that.This is a best  natural home remedies for clear and glowing skin.

4) There are several homemade remedies for clear and glowing skin available to you, all that you need is some simple attention and patience.The results will not appear over night you should repeatedly follow any of the tips to observe the results we can assume all of the tips mentioned are 
effective home remedies for clear and glowing skin.

Face Pack With Papaya
Papaya is one more nature's gift to us to have a best face pack for what we lokking for
Papaya  works like a magic on tanned skin.Take one ripen papaya and smash it to make a fine paste and apply it on your face and clean after 20 minutes you can use this tip as home remedies for clear n glowing skin.

Potatoes are one of the best natural bleaching agent that we can apply.First of all  make potatoes into fine slices  sprinkle few drops of water on the slices and scrub on your face this procedure will make   skin look lighter and younger this is also one of the best home remedies to get clear and glowing skin

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Remove Dark Spots Below Eyes | How to Remove Black Spots

Remove Dark Spots Below Eyes:

Face is the first thing which creates impression generally,eyes are first on face,so having clear skin on face is
so important to give a nice appearance all the time many will face the problem of dark/black spots below the eyes,this will disturb the whole appearance of our face,the reason for the dark spots may be because of insufficient sleep or rest. stress is one of the reason for occurrence of dark spots.

Below are some of the home made remedies for solving dark/black spots below eyes.

1)Take Courgelet(keera dosakaya in Telugu)make it into fine paste ,apply on the dark spotted area below your skin or where ever it occurred and wash it with cold water after 15 minutes,you can preserve this paste by keeping it in a freeze.

2)Extract juice from potatoes,add 6 drops of Cucumber juice and apply this liquid on the dark spots area,this will help  in removing dark spots from the skin.

3)Take equal amount of rose water and Courgelet juice now take some cotton and dip in that liquid and keep it in the freeze for some time afterwards keep this cotton on your  eyes and later clean your face with cold water.

4)Tea bags are excellent home made remedies for removing dark spots around the eyes,just keep the tea bags in freeze for some time  and place these tea bags on your eyes for 10 minutes this procedure will help in removing black spots near the eyes and also gives relaxation to you.

5)In order to avoid occurrence of black spots on your face or around eyes or to have good blood circulation just sprinkle the chilled milk on your face,this tip will increase the blood circulation near the milk sprinkled area thus we can avoid dark-black spots on our face

Note :The main to check to solve dark spots on face or eyes is be stress free yourselves and have a sufficient amount  of sleep daily and eat some fresh leafy vegetables.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Anti-Ageing Face Packs,Face Packs With Pudina For Glowing Skin

Anti-Ageing Face Packs:

Do you know excellent thing about pudina ?pudina leaves are helpful as anti-ageing elements,its the nature provided gift to store youthfulness in us.Pudina ;eaves will do a lot in order to help getting beautiful skin with some simple home made tips or remedies.

Let us see some of the home made face packs/remedies with pudina leaves for glowing skin:

i)First of all make pudina leaves into a fine paste,add little turmeric powder,now wash your face with warm water and apply this mixture on your face fully,allow it to dry for 15 minutes and clean your face with some cold water. this pack is useful to make your skin mild thus bringing a natural glowing to your face.

ii)Take white part of the egg,add some pudina leaves paste to it,apply to the face,this face pack pudina with egg white helps in avoiding the frequent occurences of pimples and dark spots on  face,so those who are facing the problem of pimples or who want to find a solution of pimples problem can go for this face pack.

iii)Take the juice of papaya and mix with the juice of pudina leaves to form a liquid,this pudina-papaya liquid can be applied to the area on the skin where it is effected with some skin dieases.

Other important Facts About pudina:
1)Pudina is useful as a anti-ageing element avoids early skin foldings
2)pudina oil is available in the market can be used as a hair oil this oil helps in fast growth of hair and also solves the problem of dandruff.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Tip Of The Day Page 1-Home Made Remedies For Glowing Skin

  • To test whether coffee powder is of quality one or not just add this powder to glass of water and observe if the powder floats,if it floats we can assume  it is not a quality one,if the powder goes down then you can treat it as a good product.
  • To Remove chocolate stains,rub the area with some ice cubes and wash that cloth after 1/2 hour.

Face packs In Rainy Season

Face packs In Rainy Season:

There are several face packs available specially in the rainy season. By applying  them you can protect your skin from being lifelessness.These face packs brings sparking,brightness to your skin.

These are some of the homemade remedies or tips available to you in the rainy season.
1)Take 1/4th tea spoon of rose water,1/2 tea spoon of turmeric powder and 1 tea spoon of sandal powder in a vessel and mix all the three ingredients into a fine paste, after mixing then after you an apply this paste to your face leave it for 15 mins and wash your face with warm water then u will observe a great change on your face.This remedy is very easily making process and can be done by any one in their home.

2)Take 3 spoons of oatmeal powder,take white part of the egg,one tea spoon of honey and 1 spoon of curd mix the above items and keep the mixture in freeze,first of all wash your face and apply this paste to your face allow your face to dry for 15 minutes.

3)Take some leaves of pudina make them into fine paste add 1/2 banana to that paste,apply this mixture to face,after 10 minutes wash your face with warm water.

4)First of all soak almonds in water and made it into fine paste,add 1 cup of curd,then apply to your face before going to bed at night,leave it for 15 minutes wash your face with scrubs.

5)Take some cotton and dip it in black tea(decoction)and clean it below your eyes,this procedure helps to reduce  any dark spots.

Some care tips according to the  skin types in rainy season:

Rainy season care for oily skin : Better to minimize the use of soap rather use a very soft cleanser to remove dirt and dead skin. Oatmeal scrub is also a good option for oily skin persons which is given in the above 3rd point and ripe papaya can be used for this type of skin

Rainy season care for dry  skin :

For dry skin people its bit irritating in the rainy season because you wont take necessary intake of water due to the cool climate so naturally your skin gets too dry after bath or at normal times also  due to humidity  factor in the rainy season dirt will build up easily , so the solution for this is  nourish your skin with some olive oil or almond oil before going to bath use a good moisturizer  2 or 3 times a day.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Olive Oil and Egg Yolk For Thinning, Loss Of Hair

Olive Oil and Egg Yolk For Thinning, Loss Of Hair

Everyone knows that olive oil is great for your skin and is also a great addition to your diet, in moderate amounts.  Did you know that olive oil is also great for hair loss?  It helps restore the elasticity of your hair, especially if you have dry hair.  Egg yolk is also great for thinning hair and hair loss.  The Olive Oil and Egg Yolk treatment for hair loss is one of the best homemade hair masks for hair loss in women.  Thinning hair can really take a toll on your self-esteem.  Teenagers don't have to worry about thinning or loss of hair as much as adults do.  For those that are worried about maintaining their hair, homemade hair treatments will work wonders for your hair.  Unfortunately, there's no hair loss cure yet, but this is a good homemade hair mask treatment of hair loss that you can use in the meantime to help restore protein and growth of hair. 

So, what is the cause of hair loss?  One of the main causes is the lack of protein on your scalp which can be caused by numerous factors such as bad shampoo and conditioner use, stress, etc.  Egg yolk helps replace and maintain the protein loss from your scalp which is the reason hair loss occurs.  Egg yolk is also rich in lecithin and protein which both are great for moisturizing and strengthening your hair.  This makes it a effective natural hair loss treatment.  Egg yolks are also high in sulfur, which for those dandruff sufferers out there, this is great news!  Sulfur helps relieve your scalp of dandruff, so this home remedy is worth a shot!

Both the olive oil and egg yolk for hair loss treatment can be used separately; However, after your hair has been exposed to hours of heating and dry air due to long winter months or the dry heat of summer months, it's great to give your hair a great moisturizing home remedy such as this olive oil and egg yolk treatment.


4 Tablespoons 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil (buy here)
2 Egg yolks


To make this homemade hair mask, in a small bowl, whip up the 2 egg yolks and the olive oil using a whisk or a fork until you achieve an even consistency. Apply to your scalp using your fingers and make sure you massage your scalp. Massaging the scalp will help promote blood circulation which also helps promote the health of your scalp which helps you retain more hair! 

Leave the mixture in your hair for 30 minutes.  Be sure to keep the homemade hair mask away from your eyes.  You may wrap saran wrap around your hair (not your head) loosely to keep it from dripping.  Once 30 minutes are up you can rinse the hair treatment using a mild shampoo and warm water.

Let your hair air dry after the hair mask initial treatment.  It takes a few weeks to yield results for thinning hair but you should start to see your dry hair turn into shinier, more resilient hair.  You can use this homemade hair loss treatment mask once every week to start and then once every two weeks.  Keep in mind, it is greasy so make sure you have enough time to wash it out properly.  This olive oil and egg yolk natural loss treatment for women and men is definitely worth the time and mess you may have to go through.  You will replace the dry, thinning hair with beautiful, healthy hair!

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